For the Night is Dark, and Full of Melody!
A cricket’s love-laden chirps add a kind of mystic melody to the quiet night – an ancient love call for the nocturnals to celebrate the darkened silence of the night.
Notice how the incessant chirping of the cricket is never a disturbing noise! It rather adds a sweet lullaby to the disquieted mind, that quietly numbs one towards a peaceful sleep.
It seems like the chirping adds a kind of rhythm to the night!
Like a pre-arranged agreement between nature & its elements, that allows the insect to add a sweet sweet melody to the quietness of the night.
A perceptive mind can see that there’s a melody even in the constant murmur of a passing river & gentle drowsiness in the splashing waves of an ocean.
Everything is perfect & in complete harmony in mother nature: the sounds, the noises, & the sacred silences!
But it’s a complete reversal in a chaotic human mind, a mind which brings disharmony and imbalance in nature & life of all the other beings on the planet.
If only a person could sit silently in the lap of mother nature, gaze at the magical canopy of a starlit night, & understand that though the night is dark, it is still full of Melody:
a melody lost to the death-deaf human species!
a melody that brings a sense of belongingness to mother nature!
a melody with which the ancients were connected to!
Copyright © [Meru]. All rights reserved.